Chad's 3 Things: Reflect & Refocus for the New Year

leadership mindset success
Chad's 3 Things

The start of a new year is a fresh opportunity to reflect, grow and refocus. Over the years, I’ve learned some tough lessons, uncovered the importance of asking the right questions and gained clarity by zeroing in on what truly matters — and I'm going to share these insights with you below. Let's dive in.


3 Leadership Lessons I Wish I Knew Sooner

It’s OK to say no to business.
When I was starting out, I had a hard time saying no. Every opportunity felt like it could be the big break or the next step forward. I said yes to projects and partnerships that didn’t align with my vision, and I paid the price with lost time and unnecessary frustration. Over the years, I’ve learned that saying no doesn’t close doors; it creates space for the right opportunities to show up. It’s tough, but when you know your values and your goals, saying no actually allows for more growth.

You don’t have to be the smartest person in the room.
I used to feel pressure to have the answers, to solve every problem and to be the one my team could always lean on. But here’s the thing: no one can lead effectively that way. Once I started asking more questions, stepping back and trusting my team to step forward, things changed. I realized my role wasn’t to have all the answers but to empower others to find them. Leadership isn’t about doing it all; it’s about unlocking the potential of everyone in the room. Someone once said, “If you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room”. Think about it. The only way to grow is to surround yourself with others that can help you grow.

Conflict isn’t the enemy; avoidance is.
I avoided tough conversations early in my leadership journey, thinking I was preserving relationships. But what I didn’t see was how that silence was eroding trust and creating bigger problems down the line. I quickly realized that healthy conflict strengthens relationships and fosters growth when handled well. The more I embraced those tough conversations, the better leader I became. (I dive deep into strategies for effectively handling conflict in The Designed Leader digital course.)

3 Questions Every Leader Should Ask Themselves In The New Year

What’s important to you?
For me, it’s six things: faith, family, health, business, social and charity. These are the pillars that keep me focused and grounded. If you don’t take the time to figure out what’s important to you, it’s easy to get caught up in things that don’t truly matter. What are the areas of your life that deserve your energy and attention? Be intentional about defining them — because clarity here drives everything else.

What do you value?
I value choices — where I spend my time, who I spend it with and what I spend my time doing. Having that freedom allows me to live with purpose. What about you? What do you value most? Your values shape your decisions, and your decisions shape your life. Don’t let others define them for you — take ownership of what matters to you.

Are your daily actions aligned with what’s important to you and what you value?
This is the toughest question to answer honestly. Sometimes when I step back and audit my life, I realize I’m not fully living into what I say matters most. And that’s okay — as long as I take action to realign. If your answer to this question is no, ask yourself: What needs to change? You have the power to make the necessary shifts and take control of your life.

👉 Want to dive deeper into these 3 questions and how to apply them to your life? Watch my latest YouTube video where I break them down step-by-step and share how answering these questions has transformed the way I lead and live.

3 Things I'm Focused On Right Now

Auditing yourself can feel uncomfortable — almost scary at times. One exercise I’ve found incredibly eye-opening is a “thought in motion” study, where you consciously think about what you think about. Studies show up to 95% of our day is spent on unconscious habits and thoughts, and most of those thoughts are the same ones we had yesterday. That’s a lot of autopilot! Practicing self-awareness has helped me uncover blind spots, identify areas for growth and positively impact others. Give it a try: Spend just one day auditing yourself. What do you think about? How do you respond in certain situations? How do others perceive you? It’s not easy, but it’s one of the most liberating and enlightening things you can do for yourself.

The world is noisy — family responsibilities, kids’ activities, social life, career demands, daily “fires,” challenges occurring throughout the world…I could go on. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why I’ve been focused on essentialism: intentionally prioritizing what truly matters and letting go of the rest. This mindset has been a game-changer for me. It’s helped me say “yes” to the right things and “no” to the distractions that don’t align with my values. What’s important to me might not be important to you — but the key is defining it for yourself. Take time to identify what truly matters in your life, and start making small shifts to prioritize those things. It’s amazing how this clarity transforms your perspective and attitude.

AI is taking over, and its potential is both incredible and (again) a little overwhelming. I’ve been focused on understanding which AI tools I can leverage to help me with productivity and to create a compounded impact with my team — not to replace them, but to collaborate with them more effectively. I’m still a novice in this space, but I’m determined to learn. If you haven’t started exploring AI yet, I encourage you to dive in. Pick one or two tools, get familiar with them and see how they can enhance your work. AI is truly amazing — and, yes, a little scary — but its impact is undeniable.


As you step into 2025, I challenge you to take time to reflect on what’s important, align your actions with your values and embrace growth in every area of your life. Leadership is a journey, not a destination, and it starts with the small, intentional steps you take every day. Whether it’s saying no to what doesn’t serve you, empowering your team or leaning into tough conversations, each choice you make moves you closer to the leader — and person — you aspire to be.

Here’s to a year of clarity, focus and impact. Best of luck!




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